2023 Early Bird Deadline: Feb 17

Elite Design Awards

An award that recognizes and acknowledges genuine designs that traverses the world.

Elite Design Awards launches invitations to individual designers, proud design teams or studios, and eminent organizations in illustrating sensational concepts that further elevates their careers, in the presence of authoritative personages that hold noble status in all fields of design.

“A design represents how the audience views your brand on the first impression. It’s not about fanciness and complexity, as a simple design is well capable of determining the future.”

Thomas Brandt, Spokesperson of IAA

Thomas Brandt, Spokesperson of IAA


The Elite Design Awards comprehends 5 distinct classes of design:

Product Design, Packaging Design, Architectural Design, Interior Design, and UI Design respectively, perfect for the finest designers.

Explore the endless possibilities of prodigious designs when it comes to products, creating a brand that implies individuality.
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Elite Awards - Packaging Design Awards 包装设计奖
Discover the innovativeness of packaging designs that shatters markets indefinitely.
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Elite Awards - Interior Design Awards 室内设计奖
It’s all about the details. Uncover spectacular interior designs that encapsules groundbreaking concepts.
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Elite Awards - Architectural Design Awards 建筑设计奖
Here is where dreams become reality, as we take a hundred steps forward in building surreal architectures.
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Elite Awards - User Interface Awards 用户界面奖
Demonstrate perplexing UI designs that promote impressive user interactivity, no matter in websites, applications or devices.
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EDA Statuette

Pillars representing upper echelons in design.

Granting a symbol of great status, the Elite Design Awards Statuettes are polished with touches of opulence, to better befit individuals that carry the best depiction of their compelling notions.

Taking on the form of specially crafted, elfish sculptures, each statuette comes with a pair of semi-translucent wings finished with azure blue glazes. A memento of only the best designs ever created, it honors designers of different fields who show pinnacles of quality. When displayed, it radiates ambiences of noble aesthetics, serving as an honorary element meant only for those who are superior.

IAA Testimonials

About International Awards Associate

Elite Design Awards Is An IAA Competition.

Elite Design Awards – Pioneering and redefining designers unprecedentedly. Directed by the International Awards Associate (IAA), the great minds behind 18 glamorous award programs including MUSE Design Awards and MUSE Creative Awards, be prepared to indulge in one of the best competitions from the grand league. Moving into our 8th year of excellence in the coming months, IAA proceeds to break boundaries and raising the antes to honor the magnum opus of the world’s greatest designers.

Throughout the years, IAA has attracted over 65,000 entries which spread across abundant professional industries, providing unparalleled recognition to those who embody extraordinary traits of being the best despite vigorous competition. Having received the endorsement of 108 countries, the organization has developed an international award system of the highest prestige, with over 200 top-class experts from their respective fields on our admirable jury panel, involving elites on a global scale.

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